Cincinnati Refined

There’s something happening in Price Hill. But it’s not what you think.

First, let’s abandon the normal urban redevelopment jargon — words like “renaissance” that writers (myself included) are fond of using in order to imply the community we’re writing about somehow magically appeared this morning. (It’s a way of absolving us for not noticing it was there yesterday, too.)

In fact, Price Hill — Lower, East, and West — is one of Cincinnati’s oldest communities. Its population has declined over the past 30 years, but 31,000 people live there (that’s 10 percent of the City of Cincinnati). And the population is growing as the community becomes younger.
Those 31,000 residents live on six square miles of diverse terrain. Price Hill’s neighborhoods are similarly diverse; notevery business is prospering and not every street is on the up-and-up. But the community has a definite sense of momentum, and signs of activity abound.

This is where Seton, Elder, and the now famous Oyler School are located. It’s where you can find Primavista and Incline Public House. It’s also among Cincinnati’s greenest communities, and the arts scene is thriving as well..

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