Kappanonline.org / February 2018

David Jacobson in his article, “A Powerful Convergence: Community Schools and Early Childhood Education,” highlights several districts which integrate early childhood into community schools. Writes Jacobson, “Cincinnati’s CLCs have expanded to serve also as hubs for children and their families before they enter kindergarten. First, the district has begun increasing the number of preschool programs housed in elementary schools, giving younger children access to the same supports as K-12 students, including health clinics and vision and dental services.” Jacobson discusses the work of the Community Learning Center Institute which”… has begun piloting early childhood resource coordinators at CLCs, assigning them to reach out to families with young children and organize networks of early childhood providers that are anchored by an elementary school CLC. These networks share instructional practices and work on transitions, resource referrals, and hosting joint events for children and families.”

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