MindPeace, the mental health partnership network that has been a critical part of the Cincinnati community learning center infrastructure, celebrated its 10th anniversary at a celebration on August 7, 2018. With more than 250 mental health professionals, community learning center leaders, and other partners in attendance, two of CLCI’s community learning center mental health teams were featured.

The Academy of World Languages Drgaon Buddies Program, a peer to peer mentoring program, was presented by CLCI Resource Coordinator Jill Smith and CPS school psychologist Amy Harris.

Todd Provenzano of St. Aloysius, the mental health partner at Oyler Community Learning Center for more than 10 years, presented their work in partnership with MindPeace and Oyler to improve communication between teachers and therapists to create a more seamless strategy to support students in treatment.

Darlene Kamine, Executive Director of CLCI and one of the original team that developed MindPeace, was a keynote speaker. She highlighted the history and impact of MindPeace. Through the ongoing leadership of MindPeace, every CPS school has an on-site community mental health partner with more than 100 full-time mental health therapists located in the community learning centers.