New America Moving into Kindergarten / August 2019 Two schools in Cincinnati, Oyler School and Roberts Academy, have recently begun working to improve the transition to kindergarten for students and families. Like all Cincinnati Public Schools, Oyler and Roberts Academy are Community Learning Centers, commonly referred to as community schools. Oyler and Roberts offer a variety of services that can be used by students and community members, including health, dental, and vision centers as well as housing and employment assistance. These partnerships are managed by an onsite resource coordinator at each school, employed by the Community Learning Center Institute (CLCI), a local nonprofit that leads the development of community learning centers in the Greater Cincinnati area. Several years ago,with support from the W. K. Kellogg Foundation, CLCI began exploring how best to support young children and their families and ensure they had access to community learning center services. CLCI partnered with Cincinnati Early Learning Centers (CELC), a local center-based early childhood provider, to add an early childhood resource coordinator (ECRC) to both Oyler and Roberts Academy.

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