December 2021/When Fracking Comes to Town: Governance, Planning, and Economic Impacts of the US Shale Boom, Cornell University Press.

Adelyn Hall, CLCI’s Director of School-Centered Neighborhood Development, has been a leader in the field of genuine community engagement since her time in the Peace Corps in Swaziland where she worked to organize and empower girls in refugee camps. Upon the completion of her term in the Peace Corps, Hall earned her Master’s degree in urban planning from the University of Cincinnati and worked in local communities near her hometown in Pennsylvania to understand the consequences of fracking. Her findings are included in the book When Fracking Comes to Town.

From the publisher –
Unlike many political debates that cast fracking in black-and-white terms, this book’s contributors embrace the complexity of local responses to fracking. States adapted legal institutions to meet the new challenges posed by this energy extraction process while under-resourced municipal officials and local planning offices found creative ways to alleviate pressure on local infrastructure and reduce harmful effects of fracking on the environment. The essays in When Fracking Comes to Town tell a story of community resilience with the rise and decline of shale gas production.