The Community Schools Revolution, June 2023
National leaders of the community school movement for the past 25 years, Marty Blank, Jane Quinn, and Ira Harkavy, together with NYTimes bestselling author and journalist, David Goodman, just released their new book, The Community Schools Revolution: Building Partnerships, Transforming Lives, Advancing Democracy. The Community Learning Center Institute in Cincinnati is proud to be featured as one of the six exemplars chosen by the authors for this comprehensive history, overview, and guide forward.

The authors wrote, We chose to tell the story of the current generation of community schools (roughly 1990–2022) through the lens of six mature initiatives located across the country: the state of Florida, and the cities of Albuquerque, Cincinnati, Los Angeles, New York City, and Oakland. This approach allows our colleagues to explain their local contexts, choices, and innovations while also, we hope, inspiring readers to understand that when we organize the right partners to do the right thing for students, families, and the community, we can achieve systemic change.

The development and publication of the book was underwritten by the Charles Stewart Mott, Ford, Stuart, and William and Flora Hewlett Foundations.

The Community Schools Revolution can be downloaded at