Cincinnati / June 28, 2024
The Community Learning Center Institute (CLCI) celebrated the dedication of a newly built home for an Oyler family at a ceremony on June 28 at their home in Lower Price Hill. Through a partnership between the Community Learning Center Institute and Habitat for Humanity, and with support from the Robert and Adele Schiff Foundation, this is the 8th family to become first-time Habitat homeowners in the Oyler – Lower Price Hill community through a neighborhood redevelopment initiative led by CLCI.

As children whose families own their own home are 28% more likely to graduate from high school, the Community Learning Center Institute expanded the scope of their community learning centers to include alternative pathways to homeownership beginning in 2015. Through the partnership with Habitat, the Port Authority, and other housing partners, and with individualized support from the Community Learning Center Institute Welcome Center Directors and Adelyn Hall, the Director of School-Centered Neighborhood Development, 53 CLCI families at three of CLCI’s sites have become first-time homeowners.