CINCINNATI, OH (FOX19)/ November 9, 2011 / – City Council is shaking things up with four seats set to change.

Cincinnati voters replaced Chris Bortz, Leslie Ghiz, Amy Murray and Wayne Lippert with Yvette Simpson, P.G. Sittenfeld, Chris Smitherman and Chris Seelbach.

Remaining council members are Roxanne Qualls, Cecil Thomas, Laure Quinlivan, Wendell Young and Charlie Winburn.

It was a sweeping win for the Democrats on council, taking seven out of the nine possible spots.

At 27 Sittenfeld will become the youngest member of council, not far behind 29-year-old Chris Seelbach.

“I’m proud to be a Democrat but I’m also proud to have built a broad coalition that has Democrats, Republicans, Independents, east side, west side, black, white, young, old so I’m going to work with anybody and everybody to get things done,” says Sittenfeld.