• July 31, 2014

    CLCs Example of Big Idea for Cincinnati

    Cincinnati Enquirer/July 28, 2014 by Council Member P.G. Sittenfeld I believe everyone who is ambitious for our city should ask him or herself some version of Google’s question. What’s your idea to propel Cincinnati forward as a truly great… Read More

  • July 31, 2014

    Cincinnati CLCs Widely Respected Model in NYC

    Capital New York / July 31, 2014 The de Blasio administration is facing a second formidable education challenge, in addition to its signature pre-kindergarten expansion in the fall: its plan to roll out 40 new “community schools”. Officials will have… Read More

  • July 24, 2014

    Documentary about Oyler on Kickstarter

    Kickstarter.com/July, 2014 THE FILM OYLER, produced in association with American Public Media’s Marketplace, tells the story of a dramatic turnaround in one of Cincinnati’s poorest neighborhoods. Before 2006, almost no one from Lower Price Hill finished high school, much… Read More

  • July 24, 2014

    Farmer’s Market at Roberts Community Learning Center

    Soapbox/ July 21,2014 The Corporation for Findlay Market is now in its second year of community partnerships to bring farm stands to Cincinnati-area communities. The project was born when Tracy Power, resource coordinator at Roberts Academy and Community Learning… Read More