• January 23, 2021

    Oyler Partnership Greens Up Lower Price Hill

    World Wildlife Fund / January 2021 A group of youth employees converged in Lower Price Hill, a Cincinnati neighborhood that is more susceptible to a changing climate, to plant perennial fruit trees and medicinal herbs in what was a vacant… Read More

  • January 20, 2021

    CLCI Presentation at City Council Neighborhoods Committee

    CitiCable / January 19,2021 The Community Learning Center Institute’s (CLCI) Executive Director Darlene Kamine and Director of School-Centered Neighborhood Development Adelyn Hall made the featured presentation at the City of Cincinnati Neighborhoods Committee, chaired by Council Member Jan-Michele Lemon Kearney.… Read More

  • December 6, 2020

    CLCI During COVID – The Schools We Need Now are Community Schools

    The Hechinger Report/ December 2, 2020 When America’s schools shut down in mid-March as a result of Covid-19 and transitioned to some form of remote learning, the nation’s community schools responded rapidly. That’s because these schools already had strong… Read More

  • December 5, 2020

    CLCI Enrichment Manager Kerissa Hicks Honored as Community Hero

    ArtWorks Hero Design / November 2020 As we begin our celebrations for Thanksgiving and Native American Heritage Day, ArtWorks would like to thank our community’s heroes. We are continually inspired by the giving and innovative spirit of our community to… Read More