• April 29, 2021

    CLCI Invited to Present at U.S. Dept. of Education Summer Learning Convening

    The Community Learning Center Institute was invited to present at the U.S. Department of Education Summer Learning and Enrichment Collaborative National Convening held virtually on April 26 and 27, 2021. Darlene Kamine, Executive Director of the Community Learning Center Institute,… Read More

  • March 31, 2021

    City Council Member Recognizes CLCI’s Adelyn Hall as Unsung Hero

    March 18, 2021 The one place where every family goes, regardless of neighborhood, is to their children’s school. In Cincinnati, conditions got to the point where the Ohio Supreme Court ruled that some of our school buildings were so bad… Read More

  • March 1, 2021

    Brookings Study cites Cincinnati CLCs as Pathbreaking

    Center for Universal Education at Brookings/February 2021 Today community schools represent up to 8 percent of all the country’s schools. Following the pathbreaking examples of Cincinnati, Florida, Kentucky, New York City, and Oakland, additional cities and states are just beginning… Read More

  • February 1, 2021

    School Community Led by People, Not Billionaires

    LA Progressive Bottom-Up Rather Than Top-Down “I was shocked that the state would consider a failed reform model that would take control of a Durham school out of our community’s hands,” Durham school board member Natalie Beyer recalls about her… Read More