• January 28, 2013

    CLCI Featured on Webinar Series

    Coalition for Commmunity Schools / January 30, 2013 Cincinnati Public School’s Community Learning Centers are quickly becoming a model in education reform, rising from an education system in crisis to the top rated urban school district in the state. Other… Read More

  • January 5, 2013

    Cincinnati Community Learning Centers Model for NY State Reform

    New York Governor Andrew Cuomo and his Education Commission issued preliminary recommendations for statewide reform. One of the key strategies is the implementation of the Cincinnati model for community learning centers. American Federation of Teachers President Randi Weingarten and United… Read More

  • January 5, 2013

    CLCI Exec and Oyler Principal to Speak at New America Foundation

    Turnaround 2.0: Tapping the Potential of the PreK-3rd Grades to Improve Schools For years, policymakers have sought to turnaround the trajectory of low-performing schools. But most turnaround models focus on intervention rather than prevention, and many fail to address problems… Read More

  • January 4, 2013

    NYC Mayoral Candidates Hope Look to Oyler as Model

    Gotham Schools / January 2, 2013 Among the thousand visitors from across the country who streamed through Cincinnati’s Oyler School in the last year were all four of New York City’s likely Democratic candidates for mayor. They made the trip… Read More